That Zingy Feeling

Have you ever felt a surge of electricity course through your body? Not adrenaline or fear, but a vibration within all of your cells telling you that everything and everyone is connected, beautiful, and perfect?

No, I am not talking about drugs, although as I noted in an earlier blog post, Michael Pollan has explored that route in his book How to Change Your Mind.

The feeling I’m talking about is completely natural, and it comes from within, not needing external stimulation. I call it the zingy feeling, more along the lines of Walt Whitman’s I Sing the Body Electric:

I sing the body electric,
The armies of those I love engirth me and I engirth them,
They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,
And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the soul. . . .
— Walt Whitman
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I recall having this feeling at different times in my life, once on a gorgeous summer day on the swing in my backyard, the sweet-smelling corn and wild blackberries wafting over me as birds sang and called to each other. With each pull on the swing, I soared higher toward the powder blue sky, basking in the joy of being alive, and felt that zingy feeling from my toes to the top of my head. I didn’t question it, I just knew that everything was right with the world.

Throughout my lifetime, there have been other beautiful moments when I felt the zingy feeling (I do wish I had a catchier name for it):

My wedding day – not unlike that day on the swings, but this time surrounded by friends and family

The evening my twins were born – a miraculous double-dose of zingyness

An early November walk off the beaten path in Muir Woods, an ancient and mysterious place where time stands still

Smelling the spring flowers on Easter morning – hyacinth, lily, freesia – their perfume reminding me of nature’s abundant beauty

Daybreak on the summer solstice, my hands touching the ancient stones on the Salisbury plain, drums beating and 30,000 other revelers celebrating their existence

These are extraordinary experiences I’ve had in my life for which I’m very grateful. I never thought about what the zingy feeling was or why it appeared during these moments until some time in 2020.

At that time, being at home for many months and spending time with my family felt like a gift that overwhelmed me with gratitude.

The zingy feeling appeared again and again throughout those months as I thanked God for this special family time and prayed for my fellow humans who were suffering immensely, either through the loss of loved ones or the stress of caring for the sick and dying.

I began to wonder what caused this amazing feeling, and if I could consciously bring it forward.

The answer is yes, and so can you.

I told my friend Mona (a reiki and reflexology teacher) about this feeling, and she said that it was me connecting with the Divine (Source, God, the Universe, Creator, whatever you prefer to call it). I’m pretty sure Mona hit the nail on the head.

Appreciation for everything we have on the planet (and within us), big or small, brings this zingy feeling to the forefront. It seems like that feeling is always there, ready to be tapped, but we don’t take the time to connect with it. I realized that all of those special times throughout my life when I felt the zingyness, I was bowled over with gratitude, whether it was a momentous occasion or a simple pleasure.

With a little practice, I was able to tap into that zingy feeling rather than waiting for it to tap me on the shoulder to say “life is good.”

Spending as little as 10 minutes in the morning meditating on the things I’m thankful for is the best way I know to start the day with the zingy feeling. And then, when I reflect back on those blissful morning moments, I can connect with that feeling throughout the day. It is a perfect way to calm and de-stress during hectic or difficult times.

Road rage disappears. Frustration in the grocery checkout line disappears. Anger at petty slights disappears. The need to micromanage and control every outcome disappears.

Those unwelcome intruders are replaced with a feeling of harmony, patience, and compassion for everyone around me.

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I’m not the best at praying or meditating on my own, so I’ve found that Insight Timer and other free apps are really helpful in directing my morning time to the highest good (for me and everyone I encounter each day). It does make a world of difference in how I walk through daily life, and that zingy feeling of connecting with the Divine is something I highly recommend.

Try this wonderful morning meditation from davidji and let me know if you’ve ever experienced the zingy feeling!

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Winds of Change


The Fellowship of the Word